Almost one per cent more households purchased carrots last year compared to the previous year according to a new Nielsen data provided to the vegetable industry.

AUSVEG spokesperson Andrew White said he was not surprised by the data as carrots had always been a staple in the diet of Australians.

AUSVEG is the national peak industry body representing around 7,000 vegetable growers.

“Over the last year to 16 April, 95.2 per cent of Australian households purchased carrots, compared to 94.5 per cent in the previous year,” Mr White said.
Mr White noted that carrots were consistently on the shopping list when consumers shopped.
“Consumers who bought carrots purchased them 11.7 times in the past year spending an average of $1.5 per shopping trip,” he said.

“Carrots are clearly a readily available, affordable and easy to prepare option for all household segments. Their high penetration in the family household segments highlights their market power and the value they represent for families.”

The report revealed that 57 versus 51 per cent of carrot consumers bought carrots in winter versus summer respectively, indicating a probable spike in cooking of the popular product in the colder winter months.

“Established and senior couples make the most significant contribution to sales of carrots, and this is likely representative of the establishment of this product over time. By contrast, singles and young transitional groups buy the least carrots, so this would be a real target market for growers and retailers to try and generate greater sales,” Mr White said.

“Unlike other vegetable products, market share across the major retailers is spread relatively evenly in the case of carrots. While Woolworths have the major share of the market with 37.1 per cent, Coles and green grocers have around a 22 per cent share each,” he said.

Data released in the Veginsights report confirmed the popularity of carrots amongst consumers. The report revealed that consumers are buying an average of 705 grams of carrots when they select from a display of loose product.

The report also commented that the absence of smaller pack sizes in the Australian market compared to the US and the UK could potentially be an area to capture additional value per kilogram and respond to consumer preference for smaller portions.

The Nielsen report was funded using the National Vegetable Levy with matched funds from the Australian Government.

MEDIA CONTACT: Andrew White, Manager – VIDP Communications, AUSVEG Phone: (03) 9822 0388, Mobile: 0409 989 575, Email: