Excitement continues to build around the 2013 AUSVEG National Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence, with well-known media personality Mr Mike Jeffreys confirmed as Master of Ceremonies for the event. On loan from Sydney’s 2UE radio station, Mr Jeffreys boasts a career spanning from print media to television and everything in-between.

“As a well-known member of Australian media, Mr Jeffreys’ veteran status is bound to add a wealth of depth to the National Convention,” said AUSVEG Public Affairs Manager, William Churchill.

The AUSVEG National Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence, to be held at Jupiters Gold Coast from 30 May – 1 June, is now only four weeks away. As the biggest event in horticulture, the AUSVEG National Convention celebrates the achievements of the last 12 months and brings vegetable and potato growers from around the country together to experience new technologies, ideas and share business skills, making it a must for every horticultural producer.

AUSVEG is the National Peak Industry Body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

With a lifetime of media experience, Mr Jeffreys is guaranteed to inject excitement into the weekend, keeping attendees enthralled with his infectious personality and character. 

“We are certain that our attendees will relish the opportunity to hear from a figure with years of entertainment and media experience,” said Mr Churchill.

Mr Jeffreys’ role as MC of the AUSVEG National Convention, will involve him in a range of events, including the 2013 AUSVEG National Awards for Excellence and Gala Dinner, where the leading figures of Australian horticulture will be honoured.

“It is imperative to continually champion growers who excel in their respected fields. The National Awards for Excellence are now the most respected and converted awards within Australian horticulture,” said Mr Churchill. 

In conjunction with the AUSVEG National Convention, the highly anticipated Emerging Technologies Seminar promises to highlight the world’s most exciting horticultural technologies from the world of tomorrow. 

“These cutting-edge marvels might seem like science fiction, but the importance of their current applications are science fact,” said Mr Churchill.

For more information on the AUSVEG National Convention, or to register online, please visit www.ausveg.com.au/convention. 

Images of speakers are available through the media contact below on request. 

MEDIA CONTACT: William Churchill – Public Affairs Manager, AUSVEG. 
Mob: 0411 166 748 Ph: (03) 9822 0388 Email: william.churchill@ausveg.com.au