An upcoming educational road show will showcase alternative treatments for fruit fly – one of the most destructive and disruptive pests faced by the horticulture industry – to growers all over Australia.

Fruit fly costs Australian growers more than $100 million each year and affects approximately 250 fruits and vegetables.
“The purpose of these seminars is to better educate our nation’s growers about alternative fruit fly treatments so they can continue providing Australian families with high quality, nutritious produce,” said AUSVEG Communications Officer Hugh Gurney.
AUSVEG is the National Peak Industry Body for Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.
Two of the traditional treatments for fruit fly, Dimethoate and Fenthion (D&F) may not be permitted for certain usages in the near future. The Agricultural Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (AVPMA) has restricted certain usages for Dimethoate and is reviewing Fenthion.
“These seminars, which will take place in key regions of the country, will educate growers on alternative treatments for fruit fly, namely fumigation, cold disinfestation, irradiation and a systems approach,” said Mr Gurney.
“Leading scientists and industry specialists will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of alternative treatments and growers will have an opportunity to speak directly with the presenters informally following the presentations,” said Mr Gurney.
As part of the seminars, findings on recent market research commissioned by AUSVEG will also be presented.
“The market research findings will highlight consumer attitudes towards the various alternative treatments. Armed with this knowledge, growers will be able to make informed decisions about the most appropriate method for them,” said Mr Gurney.
“We appreciate it is a busy time of year for growers, so we have scheduled the majority of the seminars for the evening, from 6pm to 9pm, which will include finger food and refreshments,” said Mr Gurney.
The road show will visit Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Northern Territory before visiting a number of areas in Queensland.
For more information on locations and dates, or to register for these seminars, please go to the events section of the AUSVEG website at or contact AUSVEG on (03) 9822 0388.
This project has been funded by HAL using the National Vegetable Levy and matched funds from the Australian Government.
MEDIA CONTACT: Hugh Gurney – Communications Officer, AUSVEG Phone: (03) 9822 0388, Mobile: 0410 047 432, Email: