South Korea could help
provide Australian potato growers with some relief from domestic cost pressures
via a potentially lucrative growth market for exports.
According to an analysis of a recent industry discussion paper featured in the
latest edition of Potatoes
magazine, nearly 90 per cent of Australia’s vegetable
exports to South Korea are potatoes.
“Much has been made of the potential that exists for the Australian vegetable
industry to develop export markets as a means of addressing issues of rising
production costs and domestic oversupply, and these opportunities extend to
potato growers as well,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Dimi Kyriakou.    
“With the Korean appetite for Australian potatoes already established, the
Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement has provided Australian potato growers
with a potential means of boosting their presence in this significant market,
thanks to tariff reductions on Australian potato imports into South Korea
linked to the deal.”
“This is welcome news for Australian growers, who continue to face economic
hardships in the face of increasing production costs and limited returns at the
farm gate.”
AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing more than 9,000
Australian vegetable and potato growers.
According to the analysis of the Exporting
Australia’s Vegetables to
the Middle East and Asia
paper, contained in Potatoes Australia magazine,
markets in these two regions are potential key growth areas for local potato
growers looking to export their produce.
“Asian nations to-date have been the biggest market for locally grown potatoes,
comprising six out of the top seven countries importing the fresh Australian
commodity,” said Ms Kyriakou.
“Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and South Korea were all
highlighted as top importers of Australian potatoes, leaving open a great deal
of opportunity for greater expansion into these countries and beyond.”
“While Australian growers have traditionally focused on domestic markets, it is
becoming increasingly apparent that viable alternatives are continuing to
emerge in the form of growing export markets, as local producers look to offset
a number of challenges and limitations in the domestic business environment.”

The latest edition of Potatoes
also features information about growing seed potatoes and
using certified seed, and grower profiles from around the country. It will be
arriving in mailboxes in coming days and will also be available on the AUSVEG
website. It is available free of charge to all who pay the National Potato
Levy, industry members and those interested in the potato industry.
Subscriptions can be made by providing postal details to,
or by phoning (03) 9882 0277. Potatoes
is funded by HIA using the National Fresh and Processed
Potato Levies and funds from the Australian Government.


  Dimi Kyriakou, AUSVEG Senior

Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0488 124 626, Email: