Australians would pay more for potatoes
Australians would be
willing to pay more for loose washed potatoes and organic loose potatoes than
they already do, according to industry-backed consumer research.
Results from the latest Potato Tracker report suggested consumers are prepared
to increase their current spend on loose washed and organic varieties, which
offer greater perceived value than other purchase formats.
“While we know that consumers are willing to pay more for products that are of
a higher value, it is encouraging that the industry now knows exactly which
potato products the consumer thinks are worth more,” said AUSVEG spokesperson,
Alexander Miller.
“It is promising to see that the value of the industry could be increased by
matching potato prices with that of their market value, which could potentially
benefit growers if this is reflected in higher farm-gate prices.”
AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing more than 2,000
Australian potato growers.
Making the findings more exciting is further analysis that indicates that
buyers aged between 25 and 34 are more willing to increase expenditure on such
products than other age demographics.
“Previous waves of research have shown that future purchase intent is very
strong amongst younger consumers. To see that the next generation of potato
buyers is willing to spend more is encouraging for the industry,” said Mr
Other purchasing formats were also found to be highly relevant, such as brushed
potatoes that were also perceived to be of good value.
The humble potato was also found to be the most commonly purchased vegetable
commodity during the research period, due to its ease of use, great taste and
“The huge variety of delicious cooking techniques is a large trigger for potato
purchases,” said Mr Miller.
“While mashing, roasting and boiling are the most popular methods of
preparation, potatoes are also regularly served alongside carrots, pumpkin and
broccoli as a tasty accompaniment.”
The Potato Tracker project is being conducted in consultation with industry by
consumer research organisation, Colmar Brunton, and is designed to measure
consumer behaviour and perceptions in relation to potatoes.
This project has been funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the
National Fresh Potato Levy and funds from the Australian Government.
Alexander Miller, AUSVEG Special Projects Coordinator,
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0418 480 432, Email: