AUSVEG is supporting calls from Horticulture New Zealand for a compulsory Country of Origin Labelling system for their country, following the unveiling of planned changes to Australia’s labelling laws last week.

Horticulture New Zealand has renewed its push for a mandatory Country of Origin Labelling system in the wake of the Australian announcement, calling for Kiwi retailers to be required to prominently display ‘grown in’ information. 

“While the changes announced by the Australian Government last week are far from perfect, one thing they will do is allow consumers to determine what proportion of the ingredients contained in locally manufactured food products is Australian,” said AUSVEG CEO Richard Mulcahy.

“Ideally the changes would also require the origins of all key ingredients to be displayed on food products manufactured here, but the planned reforms are still better than the current system.”

“Australian retailers are also required to display the country of origin of fresh produce, something which is not currently mandatory in New Zealand.”

“AUSVEG would support a strengthening of New Zealand’s Country of Origin Labelling laws to provide consumers with more information about the food they are buying and eating.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing 9,000 Australian vegetable and potato growers.

Mr Mulcahy said AUSVEG would also support any system which provided Australian consumers with more information about food products entering Australia from New Zealand.

“Given concerns we hold in relation to food of dubious origins being imported into New Zealand before being repackaged and labelled ‘made in New Zealand from local and imported ingredients’ and sent here, we would back any system which provides Australian consumers with more information about imported food products from New Zealand,” said Mr Mulcahy.

“Only by being completely transparent about the origins of major ingredients contained in food products, will we end up with the true Country of Origin Labelling system that Australian consumers have been crying out for.”

“While the Australian Government’s proposal still falls some way short of a genuine Country of Origin Labelling system, it is still a step in the right direction.”

“I would encourage the New Zealand government to heed the calls of Horticulture New Zealand and take its first steps down the road to meaningful Country of Origin Labelling reform.”


MEDIA CONTACT: Shaun Lindhe, Senior Communications Officer, AUSVEG
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0405 977 789, Email: