Speaking in Devonport today at a meeting of industry leaders from Peracto, AUSVEG Manager for VIDP Communications Andrew White, announced that AUSVEG had opened the door for Tasmanian growers and their advisers to utilise a revolutionary research tool providing access to the latest research findings.

AUSVEG is the national peak industry body representing the interests of around 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.
“We are promoting the use of this resource to agronomists and re-sellers to strengthen the link between the research community and growers. The research and development database on the AUSVEG website now contains all levy-funded R&D undertaken since the early 2000s packaged in an easily accessible format,” said Mr White.

“As Peracto is one of Australia’s largest private agricultural research organisations, allowing access to this wealth of information is beneficial to both growers, researchers and service providers, and it will widen the knowledge base of agronomists and key advisors to ensure they have cutting-edge information at their disposal,” he said.

The research tool is a web-based Knowledge Management system which provides information regarding research and development projects available on the AUSVEG website.

The system forms part of the Vegetable Industry Development Program which aims to assist the growth of the vegetable industry in Australia.

“AUSVEG assists Tasmanian growers by working to ensure the National Vegetable Levy and the National Potato Levy are invested in research and development that best meets the changing needs of the industry,” Mr White said.

“Industry news, pest and disease information and updates, research and development breakthroughs and consumer insights are all conveyed through a number of different media coordinated by AUSVEG.”

“With many growers in Australia too busy to personally search through the extensive amounts of research and development material, allowing industry leaders to access this information online means the research services provided by these organisations can be tailored to the specific needs of growers,” Mr White said.

The Tasmanian member of AUSVEG is the TFGA. Growers and agronomists can access the latest research findings by registering on www.ausveg.com.au.


MEDIA CONTACT: Andrew White, Manager- VIDP Communications, AUSVEG
Phone: (03) 9822 0388, Mobile: 0409 989 575, Email: andrew.white@ausveg.com.au