17 December 2022

In light of the recent food recalls from Food Standards Australia New Zealand relating to a small selection of spinach products, vegetable peak industry body AUSVEG is calling on consumers to follow the recall directions and dispose the recalled products, and for those with concerns for their health to follow the advice of Health Departments and seek medical attention.


“The health and safety of our consumers is the top priority for our industry, so we urge consumers to follow the advice of the recall notices and to seek medical attention if you have concerns for your health,” said AUSVEG CEO Michael Coote.


“However, it is important to remember that there are only a small number of products with recall notices, and our food safety and retail sector is removing affected products as soon as there is a concern for people’s health.”


“This means that Australian consumers can have confidence in all other spinach and leafy salad products that are currently available for sale on retail shelves, which are unaffected by the recall.”


“AUSVEG has had reports of growers over the last 24 hours who are not included in the recall but have experienced reduced orders and drops in sales, adding to the pressures that they face during this time of year.”


“Given the proximity to Christmas and the festive season – our industry’s busiest time of the year – this is both worrying and avoidable.”


“The past 12-months have been the most difficult in recent times for our industry. While all growers have faced significant increases to costs of production, floods and consistent rain and critical labour shortages this year, leafy salad and spinach growers have had it particularly tough during this period.”


“We call on all Aussie consumers to continue to buy plenty of fresh vegetables and leafy salads to support their hard-working, dedicated growers who are working day and night to ensure families have fresh produce for Christmas and the festive season.”


Currently, the recalled products are:

AUSVEG will continue to liaise with all relevant authorities and key stakeholders as the issue unfolds.



MEDIA CONTACT: Shaun Lindhe, National Manager – Communications, AUSVEG
Phone: 03 9882 0277, Mobile: 0405 977 789, Email: shaun.lindhe@ausveg.com.au