The Victorian vegetable and potato industries today enter a new era with the launch of new representative body AUSVEG VIC.

AUSVEG VIC will provide Victorian growers with a strong voice in relation to the agri-political issues facing Victoria’s 840 vegetable and potato growers.

“AUSVEG VIC will work closely with growers, politicians and members of the supply chain to ensure that our growers have a strong and effective voice at Federal, State and Local government levels,” said AUSVEG VIC President, Mr David Wallace.

“The Victorian vegetable and potato industries grew $974 million worth of produce in 2013-14, and enhancing the level of representation available to our growers is critical if the industry is to continue to grow.” 

AUSVEG VIC will build upon the work done by the Vegetable Growers Association of Victoria (VGA), which was established in 1923. 

“I am very proud of the VGA’s history and the work that has been done on behalf of Victorian growers. That said, AUSVEG VIC represents an exciting step forward and will enhance the services available to growers in Victoria,” said Mr Wallace.

“Following extensive consultation with our grower members, the AUSVEG VIC Executive Committee is confident that we are well-placed to deliver the best possible outcomes for the Victorian vegetable and potato industries.” 

“On behalf of AUSVEG VIC, I encourage all Victorian growers to actively engage with AUSVEG VIC, as their involvement will continue to play an integral role in the organisation’s success.” 

“AUSVEG VIC is keen to hear about the issues affecting Victorian growers in order to determine the priorities for representation and service delivery in the state.” 

“Mr Kurt Hermann has been appointed as State Manager – Victoria and will be consulting widely with Victorian growers in coming weeks and months,” said Mr Wallace.

AUSVEG VIC will extend the strong model for industry advocacy that AUSVEG has established at the national level to Victorian growers, and will use this experience to effectively represent grower interests to government and the community and further the development of horticulture in the state.


MEDIA CONTACT:  Kurt Hermann, State Manager – Victoria, AUSVEG VIC
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0421 007 510 Email: