AUSVEG Chairman, Mr John Brent, today welcomed an announcement by Federal Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Tony Burke MP, committing up to $116,000 to the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research to develop a marketing and promotion strategy to determine the needs and commercial viability of new Southeast Asian vegetable export markets.

As the peak industry body for the industry, AUSVEG represents the interests of over 9,000 Australian vegetable and potato growers. The Australian vegetable industry employs 30,000 Australians and is worth $3.2 Billion annually.

‘The Australian vegetable industry is struggling against an increasing flow of vegetable imports. This funding represents a commitment from the Government to the industry that will greatly assist growers and open up new opportunities for them and their families,’ Mr Brent said.

‘It is great to see that the Australian Government is delivering on its election promise to help the industry develop export marketing opportunities. We believe there are enormous opportunities for Australian vegetable growers overseas. Western Australia has had considerable success exporting to locations in the Indian Ocean and the Middle-East. And close to home, in New Zealand, there is also a high level of produce being exported in our region.’

‘There is no reason why Australian growers should not be looking to export produce overseas. With the support of the Australian Government the industry should be looking to address the current trade deficit in vegetables which is around $300 million on an annualised basis.’

‘This funding is particularly welcome in the Tasmanian region where growers have suffered a number of setbacks in recent times.’

‘AUSVEG has long campaigned for a greater commitment from the Government to explore export opportunities and hopes that the Promoting Australian Produce initiative will fund similar programs in other regions of Australia.’


MEDIA CONTACT: Hugh Tobin, Communications Manager, AUSVEG
Phone: (03) 9544 8098, Mobile: 0431 939 920, Email: