AUSVEG has strongly praised the new Healthy Active Kids website (, the latest combined initiative from Nestlé and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), which promotes essential messages about healthy eating and keeping active.

“The Healthy Active Kids website provides teachers and families with a range of activities that they can implement to boost healthy eating by engaging with children in a fun and creative way, particularly in relation to fresh vegetables,” said Tim Shue, AUSVEG Spokesperson.  

This website shows that implementing healthy eating can be easy and provides tips for parents supporting them with ways to make healthy eating a part of their everyday. 

“AUSVEG supports the key messages of the website about healthy eating, as they are also supported by research that has been conducted by the vegetable industry,” said Mr Shue.

Research has shown that starting kids on a variety of vegetable tastes early in their development can help set them up for improved healthy eating habits as they grow older. 

“Parents should be aware that they are critical to influencing how their kids establish their eating habits, which can impact their enjoyment of food later in life,” said Mr Shue.

The website also emphasises the importance of role models and how they influence children in helping to foster healthy eating habits, which is why the website has dedicated a section to teachers as well.

“The teaching resource provides lesson plans, fun videos and games, stimulating worksheets and helpful hand-outs to spark students’ appreciation of a healthy lifestyle that should be quintessentially Australian,” said Mr Shue. 

“When buying and consuming your fresh vegetables, in many cases the fresher the produce the tastier and healthier it is for you and your family,” said Mr Shue.

The Healthy Active Kids website also provides tips for families to get on track to healthier eating habits. 

“Providing new recipes that are easy for kids to get involved with is a fantastic initiative, and this not only encourages kids to engage and learn about their veggies, but it also provides a catalyst for bringing new types of vegetables to their plate,” said Mr Shue. 

“The bottom line is that Australians are not yet leaders in healthy eating, and often junk foods muscle their way into our diets from a very early age, which is why initiatives like the Healthy Active Kids website is a fantastic resource to help reverse the trend and get our younger generations on-track for a healthy future ” said Mr Shue. 


MEDIA CONTACT: Tim Shue, AUSVEG Spokesperson
Phone: (03) 9882 0277 Mobile: 0404 799 166 E-mail: