AUSVEG welcomes the Minister for Small Business, the Hon Bruce Billson’s creation of a Food and Grocery Code of Conduct that it hopes is a step in the right direction towards establishing a more equitable relationship between retailers and Australian vegetable and potato growers.

“AUSVEG views the establishment of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct as an important tool that will hopefully foster a more positive and fairer working relationship between Australian retailers and growers,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Stefan Oberman.

“We commend Minister Billson’s creation of this Code and see it as a positive step-forward in providing growers and their families with the certainty and stability that they need in order to continue providing fresh Australian grown vegetables and potatoes to local consumers.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

“We are hopeful that the creation of this Code will prevent future instances such as the one we witnessed last year when Woolworths asked growers to contribute money to fund a marketing campaign featuring celebrity chef Jamie Oliver,” said Mr Oberman. 

“If this Food and Grocery Code of Conduct has the desired effect, we should see positive outcomes for Australian growers, retailers and ultimately consumers. We see it as encouraging that Australian growers should have a clearer means of recourse, should they feel unfairly treated or taken advantage of by a retailer.”

AUSVEG notes that the new Code comes on the back of Coles voluntarily launching its own dispute resolution mechanism involving former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett.

To date, AUSVEG has received no negative feedback in relation to Coles’ newly established dispute resolution process. 

“Every measure, such as this new Food and Grocery Code of Conduct and tougher Country of Origin Labelling should ensure there is a brighter future for Australian growers and their children,” said Mr Oberman.

In addition to the new Food and Grocery Code of Conduct, AUSVEG commends Minister Billson’s support for clearer Country of Origin Labelling and is pleased to see other members within the Coalition such as Prime Minister Abbott, Minister Joyce and Minister Macfarlane speak with one voice in support of this issue. 

MEDIA CONTACT:  Stefan Oberman, AUSVEG Spokesperson
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0475 359 442, Email: