Horticulture Australia Limited, the Research and Development Corporation for the Australian horticulture industry, has appointed two new Board Directors, Mr Mark Napper and Mr Craig Musson.

AUSVEG, the National Peak Industry body of vegetable growers, of which Mr Napper has served as an Appointed Director, has welcomed these appointments.

“Mr Napper has extensive experience across many sectors of Australian horticulture and will be a valuable contributor to the HAL Board,” said AUSVEG Chair Geoff Moar.

AUSVEG is the leading voice in horticulture representing 9,000 Australian vegetable and potato growers.

“Mr Napper served as an Appointed Director at AUSVEG from March 2009 until November this year, providing valuable insight and advice on all issues related to the Australian vegetable and potato growing industries,” said Mr Moar.

Mr Napper owns a fruit orchard in Bangalow NSW, and was CEO and Director of Windsor Farm Foods, in addition to serving as a Director for the Summerfruit and Mango industries. Mr Musson runs WAFEX, an international flower business comprising breeding, production and marketing.

“You would be hard pressed to find anyone with more experience across broader Australian horticulture than Mr Napper, and for this reason he is an ideal appointment to the HAL Board, and I commend the decision,” said Mr Moar.

“Mr Napper is an adept businessman, as well as a horticultural producer, and has extensive background in finance and corporate governance. These skills made Mr Napper a valuable addition to the AUSVEG Audit Committee and I’m sure they will assist at HAL,” said Mr Moar.

Mr Mark Napper also served on the Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee, responsible for investing the National Vegetable Levy in Research and Development projects for the benefit of the industry.

“On behalf of the AUSVEG Board I would again like to thank Mr Napper for his four years of service, and wish him all the best at HAL, where I am without doubt he will make a valuable contribution,” said Mr Moar.

“I congratulate both Mr Napper and Mr Musson on their appointment to the HAL Board,” said Mr Moar.


Phone: (03) 9882 0277 Mobile: 0410 047 432 E-mail: hugh.gurney@ausveg.com.au