“Consumer advocacy group Choice have undermined their position as an authority on consumer issues,” said AUSVEG Public Affairs Manager William Churchill.

A release by consumer advocacy group Choice today declared an alliance with the National Toxics Network, the World Wildlife Fund and the Public Health Association under the pretext that Australia’s chemical users are cheating the system and applying crop protectants unfairly.

AUSVEG is the peak industry body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers and their businesses.

“The statements released by Choice are misleading and not only attempt to undermine consumer confidence in safely grown Australian vegetables but they are placing reliance on radical statements made by the Australian Toxics Network who are well known for their extremist position on crop protectants,” said Mr Churchill.

“Choice has chosen to ignore the facts regarding registration of chemicals in this country. The facts being that products registered in this country are subjected to rigorous, science based risk assessments. Choice has unwisely listened to the arguments outlined by alarmist activist groups like the National Toxics Network and failed to do their own research for which they have previously enjoyed an excellent reputation,” Mr Churchill said.

Choice presents themselves as an independent institution that is free from influence. Such an alliance with the National Toxics Network raises grave concerns about Choice’s ability to be impartial, particularly given their attempts to lobby the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority for stricter pesticide laws.

AUSVEG calls on Choice to end its association with the National Toxics Network and stick to making public pronouncements based on solid science and research.

“There is no justification for Choice’s attempts to undermine the confidence that consumers have in Australia’s fresh vegetables and we urge them to withdraw their statements,” Mr Churchill said.


MEDIA CONTACT: William Churchill Public Affairs Manager Ph: (03) 9822 0388, Mob: 0411 166 748, Email: william.churchill@ausveg.com.au
Website: www.ausveg.com.au