The delivery of the Government’s election commitment to provide funding to support small exporters is expected to boost the export capability of the horticulture industry. 

AUSVEG has welcomed the provision of $15 million over the next four years, which will help ease the burden on those wishing to register their premises to export. 

“The cost of complying with the necessary certifications and registrations in order to export fresh produce can be prohibitive to growers interested in exporting,” said AUSVEG’s National Manager – Export Development, Hayden Moore. 

“This funding will help to reduce the barriers to reaching export markets.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

Currently, the annual cost of registering a premises for export with the Department of Agriculture is over $8,000 dollars. 

From 2014-15 the funding provided by the Government will provide a rebate of up to 50 per cent of export certification costs, up to a maximum of $5,000. 

From 2015-16 this funding will also help to facilitate projects that improve market access. 

“Market access for a wide range of commodities, from all regions of Australia, is vital for the future of vegetable exports,” said Mr Moore.

With the increase in demand for fresh, safe and high quality vegetables in Asia, it is imperative that Australian growers can access these potential markets. 

“While the funding allocated to market access is welcome, if Australia is to become a key supplier of fresh produce to Asia, a much greater focus and additional funding must be given to market access strategic priorities in the future,” said Mr Moore.

“Market access can be tricky to negotiate and it will take time and resources to achieve. Looking to the future, increasing the funding to projects that deal with market access will deliver the best results to growers.” 


MEDIA CONTACT: Hayden Moore, National Manager – Export Development, AUSVEG.
Phone: (03) 9882 0277 Mobile: 0408 132 503 E-mail: