AUSVEG is urging Australian consumers to take advantage of the low cost Australian-grown tomatoes and capsicum currently available on supermarket shelves, due to an extended season of favourable conditions in growing areas.

“Now is the perfect time to stock up on fresh, first-class Australian tomatoes and capsicum at a price that represents good value for money,” said AUSVEG spokesperson, Michael Bodnarcuk.

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

Vegetable growers in Bundaberg and Bowen have experienced an extended growing season as a result of a cooler February that caused produce to ripen more slowly, resulting in the current oversupply.

“The prices being offered to some of the growers in these regions are often below the cost of production, so many are making a loss. We are urging Australians to go out and take advantage of these low prices to help clear the oversupply.”

“While oversupply can occur when productivity is at an all-time high, everyday consumers can help mitigate the effects on growers by chipping in and buying local,” said Mr Bodnarcuk.

Tomatoes and capsicums are an important source of Vitamin C and contain lycopene, a natural antioxidant that has been linked to reducing the risk of certain cancers.

Vegetables are also an essential part of the human diet, and according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), approximately 1.7 million deaths worldwide can be attributed to low fruit and vegetable consumption.

“With only one in 20 Australians eating the recommended daily serving of vegetables, this is a great opportunity for families to increase their intake of tomatoes and capsicum.”

“AUSVEG encourages the Australian public to support our vegetable farmers by making the most of these low prices and not letting prime fresh produce go to waste,” said Mr Bodnarcuk.

MEDIA CONTACT: Michael Bodnarcuk, Communications Officer, AUSVEG.
Mob: 0400 114 266 Ph: (03) 9882 0277 Email: