Australian vegetable growers are being given
insights into the array of products containing vegetables being launched overseas,
allowing them to benchmark themselves internationally.  


The latest wave of Project Harvest research has
revealed a staggering 2756 products containing beans, carrots, cauliflower and
pumpkin have been released both overseas and within Australia in recent months.


“The information coming out of this study enables
the Australian vegetable industry to keep abreast of international developments
in the competitive world of vegetable product innovations,” said AUSVEG
spokesperson Tamara Ungar.


AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body
representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.


“Not only does the data give growers insight
into global trends, it can act as a tool for the industry to compare and
develop within the Australian context and for export.”


“Typically vegetables are associated with
tasting great and the health benefits that they bring to diets, but the
research also shows some companies are examining uses beyond just consumption.”

“While the bulk of new product launches were
food items, a range of more unusual offerings including carrot-based face cream
were noted in the study results.”

Seasonality and Halal were popular claims on
packaging of new products containing French and Runner beans in the Asia
Pacific, which may provide some ideas for growers looking to export to that


Globally, there were 1,845 products launched
that contained carrots as an ingredient in the three months preceding the
release of the latest report.


“In Australia we saw 35 products launched that
contained carrots, including new lines of vegetable stock, sauces, baby food
and ready-to-go meals. This is an encouraging number and we would love to see
further product launches in the future to meet the wants and needs of
Australian consumers,” said Ms Ungar.


total of 608 products containing pumpkin as an ingredient were launched
globally in the 3 months leading up to the Wave 17 report, with 21 product
launches in Australia.


large number of pumpkin product launches could perhaps be attributed to
Halloween in the most common launch country, the United States,” said Ms Ungar.


Project Harvest is a monthly tracking survey of Australian vegetable
consumption which examines consumer behaviour and attitudes in relation to
various vegetable commodities, as well as global product trends.

The research has been funded by Horticulture
Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian


MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Ungar, Senior Communications
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0400 980
480, Email: