South Australian and western Victorian potato growers will gather in Mount Gambier on Wednesday to hear an update on industry Research and Development (R&D), discuss ideas for future industry development and learn about controlling nematodes, during a regional Potato Levy Payers’ Meeting.

“Regional Levy Payers’ Meetings are extremely valuable, as they provide growers with the opportunity to hear about new R&D and give direct feedback to their industry representatives. This ensures growers play a key role in guiding the future of their industry,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Andrew MacDonald.

“The meeting will also give growers the opportunity to hear from leading industry experts, and provide an open forum to discuss their key issues.”

The Mount Gambier Levy Payers’ Meeting is the third in a series of four meetings running across Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia this week, hosted by AUSVEG and Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL).

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

Potato Levy Payers’ Meetings are a crucial component in communicating the latest R&D currently underway in the potato industry directly to growers, giving them practical skills and up-to-date knowledge to develop their businesses.

Barbara Hall, senior research scientist from the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), will also give a presentation on the control of nematodes in potatoes, while AUSVEG Special Projects Coordinator Alexander Miller will give an update on the Potato Industry Extension Program.

Industry updates will also be given by representatives from AUSVEG and HAL.

The Potato Levy Payers’ Meeting will be held at The Barn, located on 747 Glenelg River Rd, Mount Gambier from midday until 2:00pm on Wednesday, 17 September.

Potato levy paying growers wishing to attend can contact AUSVEG on (03) 9882 0277 or email

Industry communication is facilitated by HAL using the National Potato Levies and matched funds from the Australian Government.


MEDIA CONTACT: Andrew MacDonald, Manager – Communications, AUSVEG.
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0406 836 330, E-mail: