Over 60 Australian vegetable growers will converge on Adelaide tomorrow for a two-day symposium aimed at helping the industry capitalise on United Arab Emirates and Malaysian export markets, currently worth a combined $31 million each year.


“Both Malaysia and the UAE are currently in the top ten destinations for Australian vegetable exports. However, there is a huge opportunity for Australian vegetable growers to increase their market share,” said AUSVEG National Manager – Export Development, Michael Coote.


AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing the interests of 9,000 Australian vegetable and potato growers.


“This symposium will be a great opportunity for growers to gain insight from current exporters, Austrade, the Malaysian government, as well as key members of the supply chain in Malaysia and the UAE.”


“The impressive line-up of speakers will share their first-hand experiences of exporting to these markets, and provide advice on export process, and the cultural nuances of dealing with buyers in both countries.”


Australian vegetable growers currently export approximately $18 million worth of produce to the UAE and $13 million to Malaysia per annum.


“The Australian vegetable industry has invested significantly in research to understand these markets and the case studies to be presented at the symposium will be of tremendous benefit to growers looking to establish or expand their export activities,” said Mr Coote.


“There has been substantial growth in Australian vegetable exports to the UAE and Malaysia since the 2007-08 financial year, with exports to the UAE increasing by 41 percent and exports to Malaysia jumping by 38 percent.”

“AUSVEG believes that developing vegetable export markets is critical to the future success and long term viability of the Australian vegetable industry.”


“Symposiums such as these are central to that goal.”


The event will be held at Adelaide’s Arkaba Hotel on January 28 and 29.


The symposium has been funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.




MEDIA CONTACT: Michael Coote, National Manager – Export Development     

Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0416 016 202, Email: michael.coote@ausveg.com.au