24 November 2021

Did you know that in the last year Australia’s hard working vegetable producers grew enough potatoes to fill the Melbourne Cricket Ground and enough carrots to fill more than 300 Olympic-sized swimming pools?


AUSVEG, the peak industry body for vegetable and potato growers, is working to educate the public on the Australian vegetable and potato industries, using social media to raise awareness of the vegetable and potato sector’s hard-working growers and the substantial contribution that the industry makes for the national economy, the livelihoods of its workers and the health and wellbeing of every Australian.


AUSVEG will be posting across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to highlight the significant contributions of the vegetable industry encouraging industry and the broader public to #knowyourAUSVEG.

“The vegetable industry should be considered one of strongest performers of Australia’s agriculture industry given its growing value of production, its prominence in retail and market settings across the country and its rising exporting presence,” said AUSVEG National Manager – Communications Shaun Lindhe.


“The vegetable industry is a highly technical, advanced and growing sector. It is a major contributor to agricultural employment and provides economic benefits to all businesses throughout the agricultural supply chain – it is the lifeblood of many regional and rural communities that rely on a thriving agriculture sector.


“Vegetables are the biggest sector in the Australian horticulture industry with a farmgate value of nearly
$5 billion, which according to ABARES data is larger than a number of other agriculture sectors, including most domestic meat markets (except cattle and calves), all fisheries and forestry industries, all pulses and oilseed crops, and is comparable to our milk and the combined fruit and nut industry.


“The vast majority of vegetables that are sold in Australia are grown in Australia. This tremendous effort is possible because of the hard work and determination of our vegetable growers and the support from the broader supply chain to assist in the supply vegetables for Australian and international consumers.”


Key vegetable industry stats

  • Farmgate value of over $4.8 billion, with a fresh supply wholesale value of over $5 billion.
    • Larger than most domestic meat markets, all fisheries and forestry industries, all pulses and oilseed crops, and is comparable to our milk and the combined fruit and nut industry
  • Production of over 3.8 million tonnes, with enough fresh supply for 87kg per person.
  • Top 5 vegetables by value
    1. Potatoes (> $800m)
    2. Tomatoes (> $560m)
    3. Leafy Salad Vegetables (> $410m)
    4. Mushrooms (> $360m)
    5. Broccoli / Baby Broccoli (> $280m)
  • Top 5 vegetables by volume
    1. Potatoes (> 1.45 million t)
    2. Tomatoes (> 470,000t)
    3. Carrots (> 335,000t)
    4. Onions (> 270,000t)
    5. Head Lettuce (> 139,000t)


“The vegetable and potato sectors are significant players in Australian agriculture and a significant growth area as government targets the $100b goal. AUSVEG will use the #knowyourAUSVEG campaign to highlight growers’ achievements so that they get the overdue recognition that they deserve,” said Mr Lindhe.

You can see some examples below:


MEDIA CONTACT: Shaun Lindhe, AUSVEG National Manager – Communications
Mobile: 0405 977 789, Email: shaun.lindhe@ausveg.com.au