Australians aged over 35 without any dependent children are consistently buying fewer vegetables than any other age bracket, according to the latest Nielsen consumer research data into vegetable purchasing habits.

Despite representing the second largest contingent of the adult population surveyed (21 per cent), those classified as “Independent Singles” regularly represent a far smaller share of purchases both in terms of volume and frequency.

“It is concerning to see this large component of the adult population purchasing fewer vegetables compared to the rest of the population, and it is something that the industry would like to see changed,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Shaun Lindhe.

“Vegetables of all varieties are a vital part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. The nutrition provided by high-quality Australian vegetables could be giving these consumers the energy and drive they need in their day-to-day lives.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

The Nielsen data, which surveyed consumers of 13 separate vegetable commodities including carrots, fresh salads, capsicum and pumpkin, shows that market share for Independent Singles consistently fails to match their representation in Australia’s population.

For nearly all commodities measured, Independent Singles account for only 12-15 per cent of purchase by volume, despite making up more than one fifth of the surveyed group. Even for fresh salad, where they account for 18 per cent of purchase by volume, the demographic is under-represented in proportion to the overall population.

“Whether this trend is the result of a lack of awareness of the health benefits that accompany a vegetable-rich diet, or external factors such as a lack of meal preparation time, it is important that all Australians make an effort to include more vegetables in their diets and make that investment in their long-term health,” said Mr Lindhe.

The data also shows that young families with children under 17 are consistently buying more vegetables than their childless counterparts.

“The nutrition provided by vegetables gives children an excellent foundation for physical and mental development, and it’s encouraging to see that young families are incorporating vegetables into their children’s diets,” said Mr Lindhe.

“Vegetables are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, and it is important that all Australians, regardless of age, consume the recommended amount of vegetables in their diet.”

The Nielsen research is funded by HIA using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


MEDIA CONTACT: Shaun Lindhe, Communications Officer, Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0405 977 789, Email: