Australian vegetable producers were provided with a powerful insight into innovative marketing opportunities, including cutting-edge packaging and tantalisingly tasty vegetable varieties, when international experts took to the stage today at the 2014 Produce Innovation Seminar, at the Cairns Convention Centre.

Former President & CEO of the United States Potato Board, Mr Tim O’Connor was among the speakers who provided highly-valuable insight into the latest and greatest innovations in the US produce industry. Mr O’Connor also discussed products that were unveiled to the world just last week at United Fresh 2014 – America’s leading produce innovation show – in Chicago.

“Another speaker who definitely impressed was Mr Rob Baan, Chief Executive of Dutch micro-greens producers, Koppert Cress. Koppert Cress produces varieties of vegetables with seemingly inconceivable flavours such as oyster and cheese, enabling chefs and consumers to transform and create recipes with new flavours,” said AUSVEG Public Affairs Manager, William Churchill.

“Vegetable growers are always eager embrace modern technologies and marketing methods in order to improve their businesses. The Produce Innovation Seminar is another example of their willingness to ensure they are among the world’s most innovative growers.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

The seminar also covered such innovative topics as modern packaging design and the development of vegetable produce for novel health solutions, demonstrating some ways that growers can adapt their businesses to meet the changes in modern food consumer behaviour.

“The 2014 Produce Innovation Seminar will help ensure that the Australian vegetable industry is abreast of the latest global trends and developments, and will help growers maintain their place as world leaders in vegetable production,”

“By embracing innovation Australian vegetable growers will be better placed to take advantage of existing markets, while also developing potential new export opportunities,” said Mr Churchill.

The project has been funded by Horticulture Australia Limited using the National Vegetable Levy and matched funds from the Australian Government.

MEDIA CONTACT: William Churchill, Public Affairs and Communications Manager, AUSVEG. Phone: (03) 9882 0277 Mobile: 0411 166 748 E-mail: