The local fruit and veg shop may be experiencing a revival, according to new consumer research, with Aussie shoppers increasingly turning to specialist vegetable retailers to buy their favourite vegetables.

The Project Harvest study, which tracks consumer attitudes to vegetable purchases over time, shows that the number of Australians who buy their beans and carrots at greengrocers has jumped by 37 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively, since June 2014.

“We know that consumers enjoy the convenience of the major retailers, but this latest data suggests that for some Australians, there are other factors that are increasingly leading them to shop at specialist vegetable retailers,” said AUSVEG Assistant Manager – Industry Development, Mr Kurt Hermann.

“We also know that Australians, on average, shop more than twice a week, averaging more than 135 trips a year.”

“This suggests that while most Australians still shop heavily at the major retailers, they’re complementing this with trips to smaller, specialist green grocers that provide benefits which the major retailers can’t.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing more than 9,000 Australian vegetable and potato growers.

In a recently-released consumer segmentation report, Colmar Brunton – who produces the Project Harvest study – identified that the major retailers are the leading grocery shopping destinations for consumers, and local grocers are the next most common location.

However, the study also found that when asked where they prefer to buy vegetables, consumers ranked their local grocer above every other destination.

“Many consumers say they shop at their preferred retailer because of the people, or because of the overall atmosphere and shopping experience there – and it looks like they’re finding this at the local greengrocer,” said Mr Hermann.

“Often, this can be because of a personal relationship they’ve established with the owner or staff at the shop, which can turn the shopping experience into a social event.”

“Wherever Australians are buying their produce, a vegetable-rich diet is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, and it’s good to see they’re making this contribution to their long-term wellbeing.”

Project Harvest is funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


MEDIA CONTACT:  Kurt Hermann, Assistant Manager – Industry Development, AUSVEG

Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0421 007 510, Email: