Economics experts James Bond and Chris Murphy have been issued with a licence to thrill delegates at this year’s National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence on the Gold Coast.

As two of Australia’s leading economists, the pair will leave their audiences stirred but not shaken when they impart their years of economic wisdom during separate speaker sessions on Saturday 27 June at Australia’s own Casino Royale, Jupiters Gold Coast.

“To have such distinguished and illustrious figures addressing our growers at the 2015 National Horticulture Convention is a huge boost for the industry,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Lauren Winterbottom.

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing more than 9,000 Australian vegetable and potato growers.

James Bond is the Director of consulting firm Equity Economics, and will share his vast expertise in macroeconomics, international economics and trade policy.

Chris Murphy is another highly respected figure from the world of economics. As Director of Independent Economics, Mr Murphy has extensive experience in economic modelling and is well known for developing the Murphy models of the Australian economy.

“The 2015 National Horticulture Convention will provide these two leading economics figures with the opportunity to address a wide variety of commodity growers on the serious issues affecting the industry,” said Ms Winterbottom.

“We are excited that Mr Bond and Mr Murphy will join the list of well-credentialed speakers, including President & CEO of the United States Potato Board Blair Richardson, to provide delegates with much needed information.”

The 2015 Convention is a must for everyone involved in the horticulture industry, with over 1,400 delegates expected to descend on Jupiters Gold Coast between 25-27 June. Now incorporating both AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd, the 2015 National Horticulture Convention will be the biggest event on the Australian horticulture calendar.

To register, download the delegate brochure or register online. For more information please contact AUSVEG on (03) 9882 0277 or, or visit

  Lauren Winterbottom, AUSVEG Manager – Events and Marketing
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0439 386 049, Email: