Cairns, Australia – Queensland-based Vegetable growing business Mulgowie Farming Company has tonight been recognised as an industry trailblazer, winning the Visy Industry Impact Award at this evening’s 2014 AUSVEG National Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner, at the Cairns Convention and Exhibition Centre.

AUSVEG CEO, Richard Mulcahy, said the prestigious award was in recognition of the businesses’ development of an Australian-first innovation, involving supplying ready-fresh trimmed beans direct from the farm to the market.

“Innovation is a vital element of the long-term viability of our industry, and it is businesses like Mulgowie which are leading the way in this regard,” said Mr Mulcahy.

Sponsored by Visy, the Industry Impact award is presented to an individual or business which has invested in creating, or has implemented, a system of technology or business practice outside of the industry norm. The technology or practice must also have resulted in a significant contribution to best farm practice or in cost savings through the value chain.

“Mulgowie Farming Company cleaned and trimmed beans were first launched in Australia in September 2012, and are now currently stocked in over 800 retail outlets Australia-wide, making a significant contribution to the growth in the Australian fresh bean category,” said Mr Mulcahy.

“This new product gives the consumers an additional option in terms of convenient “value-added” vegetable choices and has proved to be a tremendous success.”

Mr Mulcahy congratulated Mulgowie Farming Company on the success and noted the high-calibre of nominations across all Awards for Excellence categories.

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

The 2014 AUSVEG National Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner was held at the Cairns Convention and Exhibition Centre on Saturday 21 June, and honoured growers and other members of the Australian vegetable and potato industries for outstanding achievements in their respective fields.

The event – the biggest in Australian horticulture – attracted around 1,000 delegates.

For official photos of the awards ceremony, please contact the AUSVEG media contact below.

MEDIA CONTACT: Andrew MacDonald, Spokesperson, AUSVEG Ph: (03) 9882 0277, Mob: 0406 836 330, Email: