The University of Tasmania’s Dr Calum Wilson has received the National Horticulture Award for Researcher of the Year.

He is one of 12 award recipients from the 2012 AUSVEG National Awards for Excellence who has been highlighted in the latest edition of Potatoes Australia, the national industry magazine for the potato industry.

AUSVEG is the National Peak Industry Body for Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

“Dr Wilson’s pioneering contributions to research on diseases affecting vegetables, and particularly potatoes, means he is every bit worth this accolade,” said AUSVEG Special Projects Manager, Christopher Ritchie.

“Through the use of novel tissue cultures in potato varieties, Dr Wilson and his team have uncovered new selections of commercial potatoes with a very high resistance to the disease Common scab. Such work will help Australia’s potato growers overcome a recurring pest and reduce their production costs,” said Mr Ritchie.

The 2012 AUSVEG National Awards for Excellence, held in May in Hobart as part of the 2012 AUSVEG National Convention and Trade Show, recognised outstanding contributions made to the Australian horticulture industry by growers, researchers and leading agribusinesses.

“Comprehensive coverage of the award winners is available in the June/July edition of Potatoes Australia, including coverage of prominent speaker sessions held during the AUSVEG Convention,” said Mr Ritchie.

The magazine covers the speeches delivered by Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Honourable Sid Sidebottom, Professor of Agribusiness Economics at Massey University New Zealand and international guest speaker, Hamish Gow, and Chief Scientist of Sustainable Systems at the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Dr Kathy Ophel Keller.

“Potatoes Australia also features the latest Research and Development (R&D) relevant to the potato industry. This edition’s featured R&D includes an article on disease management of Powdery scab, the intricacies surrounding Late blight in potatoes and a research program developing protocols to combat Zebra chip,” said Mr Ritchie.

The June/July edition of the magazine also contains a captivating exclusive with Anthony Pratt, Executive Chairman of the recycling and packaging company, VISY.

MEDIA CONTACT: Christopher Ritchie – Manager – Special Projects, AUSVEG Phone: (03) 9822 0388, Mobile: 0401 350 406, Email:

To receive a free media copy of the Potatoes Australia magazine, email your mailing details to This communication has been funded by HAL using the National Potato Levy and matched funds from the Australian Government.