Sydney – New South Wales.

New South Wales vegetable growers are today the final group being interviewed to join the vegetable industry’s Working and Advisory groups. Representatives of these groups will be given the opportunity to take part in shaping the future of the industry and also help guide $14 million worth of annual investment.
“We are very pleased to see the number of New South Wales growers who have put their hands up to take on these roles because it is very important to have growers from all stretches of the nation to be involved in these vital groups,” said AUSVEG Communications Manager William Churchill.
AUSVEG is the National Peak Industry body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.
“A focus throughout the selection process has been to ensure candidates are passionate about the Australian vegetable industry and have a real drive to get involved in making a difference to the future of all growers around Australia,” said Mr Churchill.
Over the past week, interviews have been conducted in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Launceston, Brisbane, and conclude today in Sydney.
“Each state has brought forth growers with varying skillsets, specialising in a wide range of crops, and it is this diversity which will be most beneficial in providing representation across the board in deciding the future direction of the Australian vegetable industry,” said Mr Churchill.
New South Wales is a large producer of potatoes, Chinese cabbage and lettuce, as well as many other vegetable varieties.
The newly appointed groups will have their inaugural meeting in Hobart this year to coincide with the release of the newly developed vegetable industry’s Strategic Investment Plan.
Projects endorsed by these groups are funded by Horticulture Australia using the vegetable industry levy and matched funds from the Australian government.
MEDIA CONTACT: William Churchill – Communications Manager, AUSVEG Phone: (03) 9822 0388, Mobile: 0411 166 748, Email: