Drop that can of fake tan – vegetables can give you a sexier, more appealing glow than most artificial bronzers and even the sun, according to latest research from the United Kingdom.

The University of York has found that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can make us more attractive, thanks to the pigmented carotenoids found in brightly coloured fresh produce.
“Not only do vegetables provide your skin with an appealing glow, research has also demonstrated that a carotenoid tan as a result of vegetable consumption is much more attractive than a fake or sun tan,” said AUSVEG spokesperson, Hugh Gurney.
AUSVEG is the leading body in horticulture representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.
Carotenoids can influence an individual’s appearance by giving their skin a yellow tinge and healthy glow, attributes that humans generally ascribe to good health.
The study took images of 20 men and women and adjusted their skin tone to represent somebody who ate an abundance of fruit and vegetables. The images were then shown to over 50 volunteers who rated them on attractiveness. It was found that those with the carotenoid glow were perceived to be better looking than those without.
“Instead of spending an excessive amount of money on tanning products this summer, you can achieve a healthy glow by simply incorporating more vegetables into your everyday diet, and it is more likely to make you attractive to the opposite sex,” said Mr Gurney.
For those looking to further improve their love lives, other studies have demonstrated that a diet high in vegetables can even help out below the belt.
“Chili contains a compound called capsaicin, a compound that can release mood-enhancing endorphins and stimulates nerve endings throughout the body,” said Mr Gurney.
Celery may also help men attract mates, as it has been found to contain the pheromone androstenone. Androstenone is a natural chemical excreted by the male sweat glands that may be linked to attracting the opposite sex.
“The health benefits of vegetables are widely known, however, these findings should provide extra motivation for people to consume the recommended amounts of fresh vegetables,” said Mr Gurney.
MEDIA CONTACT: Hugh Gurney, Spokesperson, AUSVEG.
Phone: (03) 9882 0277 Mobile: 0410 047 432 E-mail: hugh.gurney@ausveg.com.au