Australian potato growers are being urged to renew their focus on on-farm biosecurity, including developing a biosecurity plan to reduce both the impact of destructive endemic pests and the likelihood of new pests being introduced onto their farms.

Following the recent incursion of tomato-potato psyllid in Western Australia, leading industry body AUSVEG is asking potato growers around the country to review their biosecurity arrangements and identify areas for improvement.

“Good biosecurity practices reduce the likelihood of new pests being introduced or spreading onto a farm, and they can also reduce the impact of endemic pests which a farm may already be dealing with,” said AUSVEG National Manager – Science and Extension Dr Jessica Lye.

“Most farm biosecurity plans already contain several common practices, such as signs with contact details for the farm manager or showing visitors where to park to avoid spreading infected soil. However, growers should also undertake risk assessments and identify any priority areas that require further attention.

“Maintaining farm biosecurity requires ongoing action from growers, including following appropriate guidelines for vehicle and visitor movements, providing adequate training and hygiene supplies to staff and contractors, and routine crop monitoring.

“Given the potentially devastating impacts that the spread of pests could have on individual growing operations and the industry as a whole, developing a clear, consistent biosecurity plan for your farm has long-lasting benefits.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s vegetable and potato growers.

Any growers interested in obtaining a Farm Biosecurity Plan Work Booklet or an AUSVEG Farm Biosecurity Planner, including an extended biosecurity checklist and additional information about biosecurity practices and risks, can contact AUSVEG on the details listed below. A basic step-by-step guide to developing a farm biosecurity plan is also available for potato growers in the latest edition of Potatoes Australia magazine.

Potatoes Australia is available free of charge to all who pay the national potato levy, industry members and those interested in the potato industry. Subscriptions can be made by providing postal details to AUSVEG by email to, or by phone on (03) 9882 0277.

Any unusual plant pest should be reported immediately to the relevant state or territory agriculture agency through the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline (1800 084 881).

MEDIA CONTACT: Shaun Lindhe, AUSVEG National Manager – Communications
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0405 977 789, Email: