With the school holidays well and truly underway and the weather warming up across Australia this weekend, parents should turn to vegetables to help keep their kids hydrated, recommends AUSVEG, National Peak Industry Body for the country’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

Recent research undertaken in Germany has demonstrated that a regular intake of fruit and vegetables may improve hydration levels in children.
“In addition to drinking water, vegetables are an important source of H2O and can contribute significantly to human hydration. They also provide an array of important health benefits,” said AUSVEG spokesperson, Cameron Brown.
The study, completed by the University of Bonn’s Research Institute of Child Nutrition in 2013, investigated the impact of increased fruit and vegetable consumption on the hydration status of 442 children aged between 4 and 10 years old. Free water reserve (FWR) – a measure of hydration status – was found to be significantly greater in consumers with a high intake of fruit and vegetable than those with a low intake.
According to the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), children need to consume between 1.2 and 1.6 litres of water per day. But it is sometimes difficult to get them to meet this intake requirement by way of liquids alone. 
“Vegetables such as cucumber, lettuce, celery and cabbage have extremely high water content, and can be used as a tasty way to supplement children’s hydration needs. In fact, lettuce and cucumber comprise around 96 per cent water,” said Mr Brown.
The study concluded that dietary water recommendations should also consider the promotion and availability of fruit and vegetables in schools.
Dehydration can pose serious health concerns, especially in children. Symptoms may include a dry mouth, lethargy, fatigue and dizziness. 
“Active children can quite easily become parched, particularly in the summer heat. By increasing their intake of fresh vegetables, you are helping to ensure that they stay adequately hydrated and happy,” said Mr Brown.
MEDIA CONTACT: Cameron Brown, Spokesperson, AUSVEG.
Phone: (03) 9882 0277 Mobile: 0411 697 733 E-mail: cameron.brown@ausveg.com.au