Victorian potato growers will gather in Ballarat on Tuesday to hear an update on industry Research and Development (R&D), discuss ideas for future industry investment, and learn about consumer attitudes to potatoes during a Regional Potato Levy Payers’ Meeting.

“Regional Levy Payers’ Meetings are extremely valuable, as they provide growers with the opportunity to hear about new R&D, and give direct feedback to their representative industry bodies. This ensures growers play a key role in guiding the future of their industry,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Andrew MacDonald.

“By providing regional growers with this opportunity to give feedback, we will be able to ensure that future R&D continues to address the issues that matter to growers.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing more than 2,000 Australian potato growers.

In addition to the industry forum, growers will be given a presentation from Jenny Witham, Managing Director of market research agency Colmar Brunton, detailing findings from ongoing research into consumer attitudes and behaviour pertaining to potato purchasing.

“The Potato Tracker is a great initiative which will provide growers with the information they need to understand the drivers behind potato purchases, to ensure they are meeting consumers’ needs,” said Mr MacDonald.

The Ballarat workshop is the second in a series of Regional Potato Levy Payers’ meetings being held by AUSVEG and Horticulture Australia Limited in Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia this week.

“Grower input is the fundamental catalyst in sparking industry development. Some of horticulture’s most exciting developments, such as on-farm robotics and integrated pest management, have been instigated solely because growers have indicated that there was a need.”

“The event will be a worthwhile occasion for growers and industry alike,” said Mr MacDonald. 

The meeting will be held from 4:00PM – 6:00PM on Tuesday 16 September at The Red Lion Hotel, located on Main Rd, Ballarat.  

Potato Levy paying growers interested in attending should contact AUSVEG on (03) 9882 0277 or e-mail

Industry communication is facilitated by HAL using the National Potato Levies and matched funds from the Australian Government.

Andrew MacDonald, Manager – Communications, AUSVEG, Phone: (03) 9882 0277 Mobile: 0406 836 330 E-mail: