AUSVEG congratulates the Melbourne Market Authority on providing the opportunity for growers to delay their transition from the West Melbourne Wholesale Market to the new site at Epping for at least one month.

“While it appears some level of common sense has prevailed following AUSVEG’s calls for Premier Daniel Andrews to intervene in the stand-off, we do still feel a situation where growers may be required to pay rent at the Epping site from August 3 is manifestly unjust, when this situation is no fault of their own,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Stefan Oberman.

“Although growers have been given the opportunity to remain at their current West Melbourne location until the new Epping site is ready for use, it would be unfair to have them pay rent at two sites until they do move, given the way this situation has been handled.”

“The postponement of the move, however, would suggest that AUSVEG’s call for Premier Andrews to intervene was listened to, and that some degree of common sense has prevailed.”

“Thanks to the involvement of Premier Andrews, AUSVEG and VGA President, David Wallace, a common sense solution to what originally was an intractable situation appears closer.”

“Because of the unified front shown by Victorian vegetable growers, the management of the new Epping site acknowledged the lack of completed infrastructure, and as such has given growers the option of remaining at their current site in West Melbourne for the time being.”

“AUSVEG will continue to work closely with the VGA in order to ensure vegetable growers are not further burdened by the relocation to Epping.”

AUSVEG congratulates all parties involved in reaching a resolution and is pleased to have played a constructive role with the VGA in reaching this outcome.


MEDIA CONTACT: Stefan Oberman, AUSVEG Spokesperson

Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0475 359 442, Email: