The ‘Infoveg’ research and development (R&D) application recently launched by AUSVEG has led to a massive increase in the number of users accessing vegetable industry R&D online.

The number of users, including vegetable growers, seeking access to vegetable R&D has increased by 49.5 per cent in the two months since Infoveg was launched in November 2013.

“Infoveg puts a wealth of vegetable-related R&D in the palm of growers’ hands and will help to ensure that the findings of vegetable R&D are put into practice on-farm,” said AUSVEG spokesperson, Kurt Hermann.
AUSVEG is Australia’s leading horticulture body representing 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.
“Infoveg is home to a large amount of industry driven R&D aimed at assisting Australian vegetable growers  to better understand consumers, develop new markets for their produce and increase the productivity of their operations.”
“It is great to see that an increasing number of Australian vegetable industry participants are taking advantage of this excellent resource as they continue to strive to produce the cleanest, safest and healthiest vegetables in the world,” said Mr Hermann.
Infoveg is available on Apple, Windows or Android smartphones and tablets via ww, and has been designed to enable growers to more easily access information in the field.  
“Whilst there is some exceptional work being done in terms of vegetable R&D, it’s of no benefit if growers can’t access it as they need it.” 
“Infoveg bridges the gap between the research and the growers, providing growers and industry members with access to a comprehensive resource that allows them to instantly bring up a report or fact sheet relating to a specific on-farm issue,” said Mr Hermann.
“Millions of dollars are being invested in vegetable R&D projects every year, and Infoveg helps Australian growers ensure they are among the most innovative producers of vegetables globally.” 
“I’d encourage all Australian vegetable growers to in get in touch with AUSVEG to find out how they can gain free access to Infoveg,” said Mr Hermann.

The research project has been funded by HAL using the National Vegetable Levy and matched funds from the Australian Government.
MEDIA CONTACT: Kurt Hermann, Spokesperson, AUSVEG.
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0421 007 510, E-mail: