Three Tasmanian agricultural leaders have taken home awards at the prestigious AUSVEG National Awards for Excellence tonight.

Tim Walker from local vegetable growing operation Harvest Moon has taken home the prestigious Rising Star of the Year award sponsored by Landmark, while Dr Calum Wilson, Associate Professor from the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, has won the Researcher of the Year award, sponsored by Bayer CropScience.

AUSVEG Chairman, John Brent, congratulated the Tasmanian award winners, noting the popularity and level of competition in these two award categories.

“These two categories had some very fierce competition this. It’s particularly encouraging this year to see the number of nominations for the Rising Star of the Year award which is in its second year after being created to recognise young growers,” said Mr Brent.

The 2012 AUSVEG National Awards for Excellence gala dinner was held at Wrest Point Hotel Casino in Hobart on Saturday 12 May, which recognises all the achievements of the industry’s leading figures over the last year.

AUSVEG is the National Peak Industry Body representing the interests of approximately 9,000 vegetable and potato growers around Australia.

“AUSVEG received a record number of nominations for all categories at this year’s Awards for Excellence and this highlights the growing recognition of vegetable and potato growers in Australian society,” said Mr Brent.

The AUSVEG National Convention had around 800 delegates in attendance making it one of the biggest events in Australian horticulture.

Mr Walker and Dr Wilson were not the only Tasmanians to win an Award at the 2012 Awards for Excellence, with Buz Green, a well-known figure within Tasmanian agriculture, winning the Lifetime Achievement Award. Mr Green was presented this Award by Senator Christine Milne, Leader of the Australian Greens.

For official photos from the Gala Dinner and the award winners please contact the AUSVEG representative below.

Interviews with winners are available on request. To arrange one please contact AUSVEG.

MEDIA CONTACT: William Churchill, Communications and Public Affairs Manager Ph: (03) 9822 0388, Mob: 0411 166 748, Email: Website: