AUSVEG CEO Richard Mulcahy today welcomed the appointment of David Addison from Tasmania to the AUSVEG Board.

Mr Addison joins the organisation as a Director following his nomination by AUSVEG’s State Member in Tasmania, the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA).

“I warmly welcome Mr Addison to the Board and look forward to working with him in his new capacity as a Director of the organisation, not only on issues relevant to the Tasmanian industry, but also by utilising his vast experience and expertise to engage throughout Australia on the key national issues currently affecting our industry,” Mr Mulcahy said.

AUSVEG is the National Peak Industry Body representing the interests of around 9,000 vegetable and potato growers throughout Australia.

Hailing from Moriarty in Tasmania, Mr Addison has been a long-time representative for the Tasmanian vegetable and potato industries in various roles with the TFGA.

He has held positions including TFGA Vegetable Councillor, worked as a representative on the Tasmanian Agricultural Productivity Group and is a past member of the Processed Potato Industry Advisory Committee (IAC).

“Mr Addison brings a wealth of experience to this role, having been in primary production for over 30 years. I look forward to working closely with him, drawing on his experience across broader agriculture to develop new opportunities and offer better representation for growers,” Mr Mulcahy said.

Mr Addison supplies potatoes, vegetables and other products like poppies, cereals, livestock and pyrethrum to both the processing and fresh sectors of the industry.

He is currently a member of the Tasmanian Vegetable Centre Advisory Committee advising the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research.

Mr Mulcahy said that Mr Addison’s appointment was a demonstration of the support AUSVEG had built and would continue to build with its State Members in order to more effectively represent vegetable and potato growers, given the unique challenges presented by the vastness of the Australian agricultural landscape.

“Support from Tasmanian vegetable and potato growers, and indeed from growers around Australia, is vital as we steer AUSVEG in a new direction strategically,” he said.

“Building on the momentum of our successful National Convention in May this year, we have recently opened a new premises and appointed a Public Affairs Manager to lobby on the most important public policy issues for growers.

The profile of our core communications programs through magazines like Vegetables Australia and Potatoes Australia continues to grow and exceed our expectations.”

Andrew White, Senior Communications Officer, AUSVEG
Phone: (03) 9822 0388, Mobile: 0409 989 575, Email: