Tasmanian vegetable industry decides its future
Launceston – Tasmania.
Interviews are being conducted today for Tasmanian representatives to join the vegetable industry’s Working and Advisory groups. Members of these groups will play a part in the future of approximately 6,5,00 horticultural businesses and 14 million dollars worth of investment every year.
AUSVEG is the National Peak Industry body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.
“Tasmania is well regarded as a centre for new research and innovative ideas such as a pioneering broccoli harvester and new research into controlled traffic farming and the whole country is enjoying the benefits,” said AUSVEG Communications Manager William Churchill.
“Particularly during periods when markets are turbulent or sales are not providing the returns producers require, the need for investment into areas of research and development that can address current issues presents itself front and centre,” said Mr Churchill.
“Tasmania is an island state that possesses is own unique challenges to growing vegetables and levy funded research and development projects can look to address these issues through pooled funds from all Tasmanian levy payers,” said Mr Churchill,
New growers from around Australia who join these groups will meet for the first time in Hobart in May 2012 where the vegetable industry is set to launch its new Strategic Investment Plan that will direct industry funding for the next five years.
Projects endorsed by these groups are funded by Horticulture Australia using the vegetable industry levy and matched funds from the Australian government.
MEDIA CONTACT: William Churchill – Public Affairs Manager, AUSVEG Phone: (03) 9822 0388, Mobile: 0411 166 748, Email: william.churchill@ausveg.com.au