Latest vegetable market research confirms that people who plan ahead and shop in bulk save money over those who shop a meal at a time.

Time poor Australians who lack the time to plan their meals in advance could be spending up to $4.15 per item in comparison to $3.78 for those who do a big shop.

Data shows that when shopping outside of work hours, Australians bought lower volumes but spent more per item, while those who came to the store in the day and bought larger volumes achieved greater savings.

AUSVEG spokesperson Andrew White emphasised the importance of planning, with rising costs of living continuing to impact Australian hip pockets.

“Proper meal planning can help give Australians a bit of breathing room in the monthly budget. It’s a fact that when we are time poor we are more likely to make snap decisions or go for the easy options – which is reflected in the data.”

Andrew White said that unfortunately this factor often led to Australians not getting the required serves of vegetables and nutrition they require.

“The rise of pre-packaged salads and other easy to prepare options, so there is no reason for Australians to pass on fresh foods like vegetables and go straight for the pizza,” Mr White said.

The research published in the Veginsights report was commissioned to help vegetable growers understand how time of shopping impacts consumer purchasing behaviour.

“The research shows, for instance, that higher volumes of unprepared fresh vegetables are likely to be sold during the day with a likely higher demand for convenience items like pre-prepared salads and other easy prepared items outside of working hours,” Mr White said.

 “This allows the industry to develop different promotions and specials based on their target customers and the time of day.”

Information is expected to assist the industry to develop new products to meet changing consumer needs and lifestyle patterns.

 “The Australian vegetable industry has come a long way in recent years, realising that we must continue to innovate as an industry and adapt to changing lifestyles to ensure Australians still find it convenient to get their recommended five serves of vegetables a day.”

For a full copy of Veginsights – the latest quarterly round up of vegetables statistics – visit The Vegetable Industry Development Program is funded by the National Vegetable Levy with matched funds from the Australian Government.


MEDIA CONTACT: Andrew White, Manager – VIDP Communications, AUSVEG Phone: (03) 9822 0388, Mobile: 0409 989 575, Email: