AUSVEG, the National Peak Industry body representing Australian vegetable and potato growers, has congratulated the Coalition on the initial results of Saturday’s Federal Election, and looks forward to working closely with the Government to ensure that the interests of growers are well represented at a Federal level.

“The vegetable industry is the fastest growing sector within Australian agriculture, and therefore faces a unique set of challenges and opportunities, which AUSVEG looks forward to tackling with the newly formed Coalition Government,” said AUSVEG Chief Executive Officer, Richard Mulcahy.

AUSVEG is Australia’s leading horticulture body representing 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

“The Prime Minister Elect, Mr Abbott has shown a great deal of interest in the Australian vegetable sector, and in 2011 attended the AUSVEG National Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence in Brisbane,” said Mr Mulcahy.

During 2011/12, the Australian vegetable industry contributed $3.3 billion to the Australian economy.

Last Month AUSVEG welcomed initiatives outlined within the Coalition’s plan for agriculture, such as the focus on maintaining Australia’s biosecurity, assistance with Minor Use crop protectant registration and the planned wind back of new regulations for crop protectants that were passed in the last parliament.

“The Australian vegetable industry grows some of the best produce in the world, and is increasingly focusing on overseas markets, so maintaining our biosecurity will be essential for the industries future prosperity. It is pleasing to see that the Coalition has recognised this in its plan for Agriculture,” said Mr Mulcahy.

“The vegetable industry would like to see the Coalition meet commitments made by other parties to implement Country of Origin Labelling Reform and ensure Australian consumers can easily discern where the food they consume originates,” said Mr Mulcahy.

“There is significant support for an overhaul of Country of Origin Labelling, an area which growers and consumers alike see as an important issue, and one that AUSVEG is urging the Coalition to consider in future policies,” said Mr Mulcahy.

“AUSVEG looks forward to continuing the excellent working relationships that it has developed across the Australian political spectrum over the past five years,” said Mr Mulcahy.


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