Vegetable growers in the Virginia growing region of South Australia are invited to attend a free workshop on soil health development and irrigation planning at 11.30am on 4 March 2015. The workshop is run through the EnviroVeg Program and will involve a field walk and soil demonstration on a growing property, a talk from a Netafim irrigation expert, and information about AUSVEG’s Biosecurity and Minor Use Programs.

“Vegetable growers have continued to make positive changes to the way they run their growing operations as the industry responds to more stringent environmental regulation,” said Mr Jordan Brooke-Barnett, AUSVEG spokesperson.

“The vegetable industry already outperforms other agricultural sectors in areas such as water efficiency, so these workshops play an important role in ensuring we continue to stay head of the pack.”

Key speakers include Dr Doris Blaesing, soil expert and Associate at RM Consulting Group, and Mr Darren Brewer, a technical expert from Netafim in South Australia.

AUSVEG representatives will also be present to talk about biosecurity, responsible chemical use and the EnviroVeg Program.

Dr Jessica Lye, AUSVEG Biosecurity Coordinator, will present on the importance of implementing an on-farm biosecurity plan and AUSVEG Minor Use and Agronomy Coordinator, Scott Kwasny will discuss minor use programs. 

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

EnviroVeg is one of the largest and most successful environmental management programs in agriculture with over 400 grower-members who represent over 60% of Australia’s vegetable producing land. EnviroVeg members benchmark their environmental performance each year in a national database, which shows how they are performing against other growers Australia-wide.

“AUSVEG runs these workshops as part of the EnviroVeg Program to provide growers with an opportunity to learn new techniques from industry experts, as well as meet with members of the supply-chain in a friendly environment,” said Mr Brooke-Barnett.

“This is a great opportunity for growers to come to learn from some of the leading experts in soil health and irrigation planning. Dr Blaesing is one of Australia’s preeminent soil experts and Netafim as a company has international expertise in deploying dry land irrigation technology, which can increase water use efficiency while ensuring plant nutrition.”

The EnviroVeg Program is funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited using the National Vegetable levy and funds from the Australian Government.

Further information on the EnviroVeg Program can be accessed at:

Vegetable growers can register to attend the free information session by contacting Tristan O’Brien, AUSVEG Environment Coordinator on 0401 376 102 or email


MEDIA CONTACT: Jordan Brooke-Barnett, AUSVEG Spokesperson

Phone: (08) 8221 5220, Mobile: 0404 772 308 Email: