Australian vegetable growers are seeing real returns at the farm gate as a result of the ongoing investment of the National Vegetable Levy and matched funds from Federal Government in industry R&D.

From exposure to international export markets to learning about best practice soil management, to potential time and labour savings as a result of farm robot development, Australian growers continue to reap rewards from the investment of their levy.

Growers who have benefitted from the adoption of vegetable levy-funded R&D projects in 2014 are featured in Grower Success Stories, an annual publication produced by AUSVEG that is being distributed with this month’s edition of Vegetables Australia.

“The publication celebrates growers taking on the exciting developments coming out of industry-funded R&D initiatives,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Tamara Ungar.

“From automated robots to soil pest and disease studies, it is great to see such a wide range of projects coming out of industry funded R&D initiatives and making a real difference to the way that Australian growers conduct business and develop new farming techniques.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

The Grower Success Stories publication shows how innovation can increase on-farm efficiency, create new business opportunities, and have long-term economic benefits for growing operations.

“One of our featured growers has enjoyed the benefits of a more efficient system, investing millions in new machinery for his carrot farm after a grower-funded mission to Berlin. This investment has seen production costs drop as a result of this technology,” said Ms Ungar.

“Meanwhile, a Victorian organic farmer has seen his business grow through export opportunities that opened up to him after attending the industry-funded 2014 Reverse Trade Mission.”

“The Reverse Trade Mission brought key Asian buyers and industry stakeholders to Australia to establish direct contact with Australian growers. This has resulted in new trade and investment opportunities for Australian businesses in overseas markets and encouraged growers to look abroad for sales.”

“These are just some examples of the ongoing benefits that continued levy investment has brought Australian growers.”

The Grower Success Stories publication has been funded by Horticulture Australia Ltd using the National Vegetable Levy and matched funds from the Australian Government.

  Tamara Ungar, AUSVEG Senior Communications Officer.
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0400 980 480, Email: