Now that we are two weeks
in to the new year, Australians are encouraged to incorporate more high-quality
Aussie vegetables into their diets to help maintain any wavering healthy eating
goals, says peak industry body AUSVEG.
Health-conscious consumers who are keen to start the year on a more nutritious
note should look towards increasing their vegetable consumption to ensure
they’re meeting their daily nutrient and vitamin quotas, while simultaneously
fighting off unhealthy cravings.
“AUSVEG has long supported the importance of a well-balanced healthy lifestyle,
and as commitments to clean eating may waver and excuses start flowing, upping
your daily intake of vegetables could be your diet’s saving grace,” said AUSVEG
spokesperson Dimi Kyriakou.
“Pledges to eat healthier or to lose weight are always popular choices for New
Year’s resolutions. If this resolve starts to wane in 2016, a serving of
vegetables can be a quick and easy way to shrug off those unhealthy cravings
while giving the body a shot of nutrients and vitamins.”
AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing over 9,000 Australian
vegetable and potato growers.
According to a recent Nielsen poll, ‘Stay fit and healthy’ ranked number one
for respondents when indicating their New Year’s resolutions, followed closely
by ‘Lose weight’.

“There are countless research studies that show how diets incorporating a high
volume of vegetables have positive flow-on effects, including improved heart
health. Recent studies have even suggested that eating veggies may reduce your
chances of developing various cancers,” said Ms Kyriakou.
“One of the easiest ways to stay healthy or maintain your weight loss goals is
to snack on some raw vegetables throughout the day, or complement a family meal
with some steamed veggies.”
“Australia’s vegetable growers are working on many innovative packaging methods
to help make healthy food preparation quicker and more convenient, which is
essential as many return to work after the holiday break.”
“Australian consumers are fortunate to have such easy access to premium,
locally-grown vegetables that are of the highest quality. These clean, green
Aussie veggies will not only help you achieve your healthy eating endeavours,
they taste great too.”

Kyriakou, Senior Communications Officer/Editor, AUSVEG
Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0488 124 626, Email: