South Australian vegetable growers will learn the ins-and-outs of making health claims and communicating the benefits of vegetables, through a ‘Veggycation’ workshop to be held in Mawson Lakes today.

The workshop, to be held at the Mawson Lakes Tavern from 9:00am, will aim to educate South Australian vegetable growers on the different claims they are able to make in regards to the vegetables they produce. It will also assist them understand the regulations which govern the claims that food producers can make. 

“It is important as an industry that we are able to effectively communicate the benefits to consumers of a diet rich in vegetables, as well as the associated benefits of specific vegetables,” said AUSVEG State Manager – South Australia, Jordan Brooke-Barnett.

AUSVEG SA is the leading industry body representing the interests of over 600 vegetable and potato producers in South Australia. 

“If the growers possess the tools and an understanding of the regulations, they can start thinking about communicating the health benefits with consumers on product packaging or as part of their promotional activities,” said Mr Brooke-Barnett.

The program, which is funded through the National Vegetable Levy, aims to educate growers about the health benefits of vegetables by highlighting which groups of vegetables provide benefits such as healthy bones, brain function, or a healthy immune system. Today’s workshop will provide South Australian vegetable growers with information on the required levels of different nutrients to make a variety of health claims regarding their produce.

“When people visit a supermarket they are often in a rush, so any quick and easy indicators the vegetable industry can provide to promote vegetables in-store, on items such as packaging, will better assist then to make healthier choices,” said Mr Brooke-Barnett. 

“Our role at AUSVEG SA is to link the South Australian vegetable and potato industry with fantastic programs such as ‘Veggycation’, to provide them with the tools and knowledge to communicate the benefits of a diet rich in vegetables.”

More information on the ‘Veggycation’ program is available at


MEDIA CONTACT: Jordan Brooke-Barnett, State Manager – South Australia, AUSVEG SA,
Phone : 08 8391 4773  Mobile: 0404 772 308 E-mail: