As summer comes to an end it appears that younger Aussies are still enjoying the heat. According to the latest data from Wave 18 of the Project Harvest consumer research study chillies are most popular amongst younger age groups, and less likely to be consumed by those over the age of 55.

The latest research has shown that chillies are primarily cooked in Asian and South American cuisine and enjoyed for their ability to add flavor to a meal.

“We’re seeing young consumers embracing cuisines from a range of different cultures and with that seeing them enjoy new ingredients with exotic tastes,” said AUSVEG spokesperson Callum Howarth.

The report recommends that while younger people are using chillies in different ways, a potential way to increase consumption among older shoppers would be to provide consumers with recipe cards with alternative cuisine options and meal ideas.

“The Project Harvest consumer research reports are a fantastic initiative that gives insight into the purchasing habits of Australian consumers, giving growers and key industry stakeholders a chance for potential product innovations and improvements that will enable them to remain competitive.”

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing more than 9,000 Australian vegetable and potato growers.

Future purchase intent among current consumers was high, with respondents also registering a high level of interest in new varieties of chilli.

“We have seen certain varieties of chilli, such as Jalapeno, Birds eye and Habanero recognised within the survey and made popular by the different types of cuisine available to Australians within the last thirty or so years,” said Mr Howarth.

“More than a quarter of consumers have indicated that they would like to buy more of this product than they previously have, which is another great finding for the industry.”

The Project Harvest study, produced by Colmar Brunton, analyses consumer attitudes and habits regarding vegetable purchases. By tracking vegetables in increments to produce data on trends over time, the study provides support to Australian vegetable growers as they negotiate the domestic market.

This research has been funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using the National Vegetable Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


MEDIA CONTACT:  Callum Howarth, AUSVEG spokesperson

Phone: (03) 9882 0277, Mobile: 0432 163 300, Email: