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Cabbage growing

Cabbages belong to the Cruciferae family and are related to turnips, cauliflowers and brussels sprouts. The origin of the cabbage is rather obscure as it … Read more

Capsicum and chilli

This fact sheet provides an overview of capsicum and chilli, distribution, Australian distribution, preferred climate and soil types, description, varieties, pests and diseases, fruiting season, … Read more

Capsicum virus diseases

Diseases caused by viruses are among the most common cause of loss to capsicum growers across Australia. Symptoms of several virus diseases often appear to … Read more

Carrot nutrition and irrigation

Carrot production in WA in 1989 was 31,000 tonnes, of which 17,500 tonnes were exported, mostly to south-eastern Asia. There, WA has a reputation for … Read more

Case study Direct sales and food safety

This case study explores the benefits and considerations for selling produce direct to the public. Direct sales may involve farrmers’ markets, roadside stalls, pick-your-own or … Read more

Case study: How is our business going

This case study was put together to help vegetable growers understand their businesses better. Use this fact sheet to help gauge the performance of your … Read more

Case study: Labour management

Employing and managing staff can be stressful for many growers. This fact sheet explores aspects of employabilty, advertising/recruiting and managing staff.

Cavity spot disease of carrots

In Western Australia, cavity spot disease of carrots is caused by the soil borne fungus Pythium sulcatum. Cavity spots are small elliptical lesions – usually … Read more