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Control of downy mildew on nursery seedlings

Downy mildews on seedlings (pansies, stocks and brassicas) are a major disease problem for the nursery industry in Australia, with economic losses estimated at 10-12% … Read more

Control Of Lettuce Downey Mildew

The present study was aimed at determining the extent of insentivity in B.lactucae present in South Australian lettuce crops to establish base line levels of … Read more

Control Of Sudden Wilt In Capsicum

Report describes research on control of Pythium Root rot in Capsicum in tropical and subtropical environments, presenting management practices including the biological suppressiveness of soil … Read more

Coordination Of Minor Use Permits For Horticulture

This project was conducted to assist in the horticultural industries access to pesticides necessary for sustainable production, through extensive consultation with relevant stakeholders. Existing project … Read more