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Non Frozen Fresh Potato Products

This project developed and evaulated an integrated system for extending the shelf-life of pre-peeled potatoes without the use of sulphur dioxide under commercial processing conditions.

Nuffield Farming Scholarship

Under Project VG08012, HAL supports three Nuffield Scholars. Each scholar completes a 16-week Scholarship to travel overseas and study a topic related to the horticultural … Read more

Packaging Of Pre-Prepared Vegetables

The Food Research Institute conducted this project to evaluate the effectiveness of modified atmospheric packaging for value-adding and shelf-life extension of shredded lettuce, mixed lettuce, … Read more

Potato Export Market Development

The project was formulated to examine the export potential and in particular, identify key performance issues and critical success factors with regard to developing an … Read more

Potato Value Chain Analysis

A summary of the structure and workings of the supply chain for potatoes from farm to consumer identifying efficiency issues as well as a number … Read more