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Indicators of Soil Health

Understanding soil is an important element in maintaining soil health. There are many factors involved with maintaining high-quality soil, these factors involve soil constraints, soil … Read more

How earthworms can help your soil

Little is known about the behaviour of earthworms in Australia. Much of it has been done in southern Australia where the information is very general … Read more

Healthy Soil Management

The management of soil is a key aspect to ensuring the economic and environmental sustainability of vegetable production. Good soil management practices have a direct … Read more

Growing Healthy, Productive Capsicum Crops

This online resource package has been based on the renown capsicum grower, Phuong Vo, and provides four modules including information on plant nutrition, greenhouse design, … Read more

Free-living bacteria lift soil nitrogen supply

Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation can contribute significant plant-available nitrogen per hectare per year to intensive farming systems. With the potential for non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation to provide … Read more