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Less Energy More Profit article

Infotech Research conducted a series of 22 energy audits of levy paying vegetable growers in 2014, as part of a project with Horticulture Innovation Australia … Read more

Managing Bean Root And Stem Diseases

Report provides an update on current diseases of green beans in Australia along with identifying some effective chemical controls, although some products are not currently … Read more

Post Harvest Management for Vegetables

A fact sheet outlining how to maintain the quality of vegetable crops post harvest. Maintaining good vegetable quality requires good systems and communication throughout the … Read more

Snake bean

This fact sheet details information on snake bean production in Australia, including its distribution, preferred climate and soil types, description, varieties, culture, pests and diseases, … Read more

Snake bean grafting

This fact sheet includes information on snake bean grafting on cowpea cv. Iron rootstock to improve their productivity lifespan in soil affected by fusarium wilt … Read more