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Improved Control Of Nematodes In Carrot Production

Project developed improved methods of controlling nematodes in carrot production. Surveys were used to identify the nematode species associated with carrot production, provided infromation on … Read more

Improving Yield In Hybrid Carrot Seed Crops

This report investigates the factors affecting pollen viability and to identify the key processes limiting seed yields. This study involved testing a number of agronomic … Read more

Management of carrot diseases

A 4-page factsheet covering the common fungal, nematode, viral and bacterial diseases that affect carrots, from the seedling stage through to post-harvest. Root and post-harvest … Read more

Managing Alternaria Blight In Carrots

This report addresses the poor establishment of carrots associated with infection by Alternia blight. It outlines the results of an extended survey undertaken to determine … Read more