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Inquiry: Making agriculture a $100 billion industry

The House Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources has launched an inquiry into growing Australian agriculture to $100 billion by 2030. Australia’s agricultural industries currently … Read more

evokeAG 2020 Startup Program applications now open

AgriFutures Australia has unearthed four fresh and exciting opportunities for agrifood tech startups to make their mark at their Melbourne-based event, evokeAG on 18-19 February … Read more

New AUSVEG advocacy webpage

AUSVEG has launched a new advocacy webpage with a range of information on areas that continue to be a focus from AUSVEG, such as: labour … Read more

2020 Science and Innovation Awards

Grant applications are now open for the 2020 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Round seven of the Coles Nurture Fund open

Coles has opened Round Seven of the Coles Nurture Fund to allow small to medium businesses to apply for grants of up to $500,000. Businesses … Read more